Sunday, March 27, 2011

One Year Later

We were heartbroken when we had to put Salvie to sleep last year and had decided we didn't want to get another dog. Well, we made it a whole four days before we found Gus on PetFinder. He was one of seven puppies in the same litter, and I had my heart set on getting him after seeing him on the website.

When Marc went to get him on that Monday, there was only one other sweet puppy left. There was no way that Marc was going to leave him there alone. I really think it was Pino who picked out Marc, though. 

This was the night we brought them home:

They were so tiny, and poor Pino (on the left) looked like he hadn't eaten since he was born. That changed quickly, though!

One year later, they have grown so much, and we love them to death! Each one has his own personality, and they definitely each have their favorite person. Gus is my dog and wants to be with me all the time. Pino totally belongs to Marc and is always at his side. They are both so sweet and cuddly!
Gus - One Year Later

Pino - One Year Later