Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Eating at Home: Day 2

Today has been pretty rough!

I woke up a little after 3:00am with excruciating pain in my ear. After waiting on some medicine to kick in, I had about 30 more minutes to sleep before my alarm went off.

I had yet another field experience student in my classroom today to observe. (My third person in two days!) I really don't mind them being in there, but I never get a planning break because I'm having to answer questions.  

Then to top it off, I had to go to the doctor to get my ear checked. Turns out that I have a really bad ear infection. I guess I should've gone in when it first started hurting a couple of weeks ago. Oops!

Anyway, as bad as I wanted to just pick up take-out, I didn't! I dropped off my prescription and headed home to cook these little yummies:

(Picture borrowed from the linked website.)

My sweet mother has been making these sandwiches for years! Every baby or wedding shower she has hosted included these sandwiches, probably because they are so simple to make, and they freeze beautifully!

I ended up making enough for tonight and another batch to freeze for later. I'm looking forward to making them on a night in the future when I'm too tired to cook!

*This is the recipe that is closest to my mother's recipe, except she uses shredded cheddar cheese. I use cheddar or Swiss, depending on what's in the fridge. I also use Woeber's Supreme Honey Mustard instead of Dijon mustard. I like that it gives it more of a bite!

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