Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eating at Home: Day 5

Marc began his student teaching today! He had a great day, but he said it's going to take a little bit for him to get used to being called "Coach." He's also a little sore, but I think that will get better with time. 

Now, back to our eating plan. Due to church and our Bible study group, we always plan to eat out on Sundays. We didn't go to our study group on Sunday night, because Marc had to drive about an hour that night to meet someone for a sale. We ate at Logan's, and good grief, that meal was $40 and change. I had one of the best steaks I've ever had, though, so it was all good!

Last night, we were BAD and ate out again! We ordered pizza, and we had leftovers for lunch today. Nice! Tonight, though, it was back to the plan. 

I made some crispy shrimp po'boys, and they were so good! I used my favorite way to pan-fry shrimp, because it has a light, crispy coating of just flour and Cajun seasoning. We loaded up some fresh French bread with the shrimp and cocktail sauce, and it made for a quick, filling meal. I really was supposed to have lettuce for the po'boys, but I completely forgot to get some when I was at the grocery store this afternoon. Oh, well!

We'll be back on track through at least Friday night. We're going to switch out and eat in on Friday night, because we had a change of plans for Saturday night. My uncle's memorial service is also going to be on Saturday, and my parents are planning to feed everyone since they will be coming from Florida. I'm sure we'll hang around over there and visit for a little bit before heading out for the night. It will be good for everyone to have some closure. 

So, busy week ahead!

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