Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2013!

2012 was a bittersweet year for us. Marc and I were able to travel to some interesting places, and I was able to knock off a bucket list item in November...Seeing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in person. Toward the end of the year, though, we lost two family members. Marc's aunt lost a long, courageous fight with pancreatic cancer, and my uncle was in a horrible motorcycle accident. Both deaths really hit us hard, to say the least. We also had an adoption fail that was heartbreaking.

So we are looking forward to 2013 and all the changes it promises to bring! 

Marc is leaving work for a few months to complete his student teaching internship. He is on track to graduate in early May, and I'm thrilled for him! I can't wait to see him walk across the stage! We're hoping and praying that he'll be able to get a teaching position soon after graduation, and I have a really good feeling he will. 

Since we'll be without his income, we're planning to go back to the "Eating at Home" plan that worked so well for us in October and November. December was really hectic so we got off track, but I'm looking forward to spending more time at home, especially during the week. 

I don't normally make resolutions for the new year, but I'm planning to make some personal changes, too. I'm going to try to build some new bridges, repair some old bridges, pass over some bridges that need to be crossed, and most likely, burn some bridges, too! How vague is that analogy? Seriously, I have a list of things I want to address, and I pray they bring about some positive changes!

For 2013, I plan to love, laugh, live, learn, and most importantly, forgive!

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